Keep in touch after you graduate
Contacts are important in any career. There are various ways to keep in touch with the Faculty to ensure you stay connected after you graduate. In addition to FAU’s university-wide alumni network, there is a specific alumni association for each of the Faculty’s two schools. The knowledge and experience of former members of our University is an invaluable treasure we want to nourish. We would like to stay in contact with you.
alumni * der juristischen fakultät erlangen (a*jfe) e.V.
a*jfe is about staying in touch, sharing experiences, making connections between theory and practice, supporting young legal professionals and keeping members up-to-date with the latest developments. The association is open to all graduates of FAU’s School of Law who have successfully completed a State Examination degree, doctoral degree or postdoctoral qualifications. More information and contact details: a*jfe – alumni * der juristischen fakultät erlangen e.V. (German only)
Alumni, Freunde und Förderer des Fachbereiches Wirtschaftswissenschaften Nürnberg e.V. (afwn e.V.)
This association is for alumni, friends and supporters of FAU’s School of Business, Economics and Society. It unites over 1600 students and graduates, entrepreneurs and businesses, professors and staff members, and other people with connections to the School. Its wide range of activities focus mainly on sharing thoughts and experiences, and promoting the School of Business and Economics at FAU. More information and contact details: afwn – Alumni, Freunde und Förderer des Fachbereiches Wirtschaftswissenschaften Nürnberg e.V. (German only)